
Sunday, 3 April 2011

Prince of Darkness

James Gosling the man who founded Java while he worked for Sun Microsystems famously called Larry Ellison "The Prince of Darkness" in his blog. Interestingly, Larry Ellison is CEO of Oracle. About a year ago, Oracle bought Sun Microsystems for 7.4 billion US$. The deal included Java and OpenOffice. There were speculations out there whether Java would cease its existence in the freely available world and programmers using the language would have to pay for employing Java in their programmes. Also, Oracle was said to terminate the "Open" bit in OpenOffice. Others speculated Orcale could attack Google by transforming OpenOffice in an online based suite competing with Google Documents and Microsoft's Web Apps Office. Later in the process, Oracle sued Google for using Java technology in their Android OS. In particular, Google's Dalvik was said to be very similar to Java - though the case is still open. After Oracle made their stand, the programmers of OpenOffice decided to go and form LibreOffice. Now, and here comes the actual point of this: James Gosling was hired by Google. In his blog he said, he would not know what his job would really involve. This is in a row of hirings by Google. Tim Lindholm leading expert in the development of Java for mobile devices was also hired by Google. Wonder where this is going. Should one switch to something else that is compatible with almost everything? It's all changing.
Also in the change log: Cycling in a new area. See the map. At some point in the future, it might more scenic with photos as usual. Also, new language in the environment, an old language in here.

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